

Academic background

After medical training at University of Oxford (1989–92), I undertook junior medical posts in Oxford and London. I returned to Oxford for my DPhil (1996–98) and was later appointed as a Junior Research Fellowship at Christ Church and MRC Senior Clinical Fellow. I am now an Associate Senior Research Fellow at Christ Church and an MRC Programme Leader. As well as running the Cutaneous Immunology laboratory at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, I have been a consultant dermatologist at the Churchill Hospital since 2001.

Undergraduate teaching

I teach the clinical medical students during their dermatology attachment, as well as participating in Christ Church medical student teaching. I am also on the steering group for the University of Oxford MSc Integrated Immunology and am a module leader and lecturer on the course. 

Research interests

The aim of my research group is to understand the role of human cutaneous immune cells in mechanisms of disease, treatment and vaccination. I also see patients with skin disease, in particular those with eczema, urticaria and allergies.

Featured publications

I am the co-author on many journal articles, and additionally have been a recent Co-Editor of the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, the Dermatology and Immunology Section Editor of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine, and the current Associate Editor of a new edition of Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology. I am on the Editorial Board of the journal Clinical and Development Immunology.

Other interests and activities

I enjoy tennis and sailing.