Commended - 2024 Tower Poetry Competition, 'Mirror'



Class has since started and there are

six girls crowding the sink and staring

eyebrows scraping ceiling stains as she scribbles

black into her eyes and she

paints her words in pink and she

kisses the mirror into apostasy’s colour.

When she returns to her maths lesson she will learn

how to solve exponential equations.

But it is here under lurid fluorescence where she discovers

another’s singular dimple and

how she has felt very little

since the night she called her brother 24 times

and her hands were swallowed by relief

upon hearing his sobbing.

She is offered gum;

it tastes like ammonia

and the walls smell like growth

and the girls smile like Womanhood.

There’s blood next to the bin, but not in violence—

in the solicitous hands that brush her face and

twist her hair and cradle

the overwhelming scent of Strawberry Kiwi that coughs and curdles

her lipstick stains on the glass.