Christ Church is unique in that our College Chapel is also a Cathedral, and you are warmly invited to share in the regular rhythm of prayer, and also the special events and services that take place throughout the term. 

College Chapel

The chaplaincy is a welcoming, joyful and inclusive Christian community, and you are welcome to come along to any services/events. 

The Chaplain will be very pleased to help any student of any faith to find a place to worship, or to connect with a faith community in Oxford. 

Here is a comprehensive link to the many faith communities on the university and the city:

Inside the Cathedral
College Chaplain

The Revd Dr Kirsty Borthwick

The Revd Dr Kirsty Borthwick is the Christ Church College Chaplain. We welcomed Dr Borthwick to the House in June 2024.

She can be contacted at

The Revd Dr Kirsty Borthwick
College Choir

College Choir

The College Choir is made up of about twenty-five undergraduate and graduate students, and occasionally members of staff. They sing Evensong on alternate Mondays in term-time, plus termly Compline and College Communion.

It is a non-auditioned choir run by junior members who plan a programme of services and concerts each year, under the overall responsibility of the Chaplain.

You can contact the college choir at

Choir Director: George Balfour

Choir Manager: Peter Varga

Term Card: Michaelmas Term 2024

Click here to see our Chapel Term Card for details of services and events throughout the term. 

For details of all services and events, which will be updated in the case of changes, see the chapel's Facebook page – chchaplaincy.