Christ Church Cathedral is home to a community whose worship is enhanced by a world-famous choral tradition. Alongside our daily offering of worship, the Cathedral hosts a wide range of concerts, exhibitions and diocesan events. Everyone is welcome to join us.

The Dean of Christ Church, the Very Revd Professor Sarah Foot, preaching in the Cathedral


As a working church, worship is at the heart of Christ Church Cathedral. Each day throughout the year, we gather to pray, worship and contemplate, just as generations before us have done in this inspirational space. 

We invite you to join us, irrespective of your personal beliefs. All our regular services are open to the public and free of charge, and you are always welcome in the Cathedral for private prayer without paying to enter.

Download our Music and Services list for March here.

Copies of sermons are published online and available to read after the service.

Find out more about services at the Cathedral
The choir, in liturgical clothing, arranged in the Cathedral sanctuary
Choral evensong


Music is an integral part of worship at Christ Church, where there has always been a great tradition of musical excellence.

During the school term, the renowned Christ Church Cathedral Choir sing most of the Cathedral services. In the University term, the College Choir sing at Evensong on alternate Mondays. Our girls’ choir, Frideswide Voices, sing throughout the school year, mainly on Wednesdays, and usually with the adults of the Cathedral Choir.

At other times the voluntary choir, the Cathedral Singers, provide music at services, and during August and occasionally at other times, we are pleased to welcome visiting choirs.

Find out more about our choirs and music at the Cathedral
Daily worship

The daily offering of worship to God is at the heart of Christ Church Cathedral. Everyone is welcome to join us, whether for a single service or more regularly.

1.05 pm         
6.05 pm
Morning Prayer         
Holy Communion         
Holy Communion (Wednesdays only)         
Choral Evensong (or Evening Prayer on Mondays)
6.05 pm
Morning Prayer         
Holy Communion              
Choral Evensong
7.35 am         
8.05 am         
9.05 am         
11.05 am         
6.05 pm
Said Matins         
Holy Communion         
College Communion (during Oxford University term time)         
Choral Eucharist         
Choral Evensong
Oxford's cathedral and College Chapel

Our community

The Cathedral is the College Chapel as well as the cathedral and principal church for more than 800 churches and 245 schools in the Diocese of Oxford – one of the largest dioceses in the Church of England.

Open to all, the beautiful building is home to a vibrant worshipping community and hosts a wide range of events, music, art and drama.

Cathedral event attendees enjoying a reception in the Cathedral Garden
Stained glass in the Cathedral


Christians have felt drawn to pray at the Shrine of St Frideswide for many centuries. Indeed, the Priory on which our Cathedral was built was an important destination for medieval pilgrims. 

The Shrine is the oldest monument in the Cathedral, though what remains is only the platform on which the actual Shrine rested. Many came to pray for healing in the belief that the saint could cure them of a wide variety of complaints. In the 16th century Catherine of Aragon prayed at the Shrine in the hope of giving birth to a son.

Today, people remain drawn to the Latin Chapel and the Shrine it houses because they sense this is a place where the veil between our earthly life and the Kingdom of Heaven is very thin. It is place that has been soaked in prayer over the centuries.  

Find out more about pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Frideswide


The Cathedral is part of the joint foundation of Christ Church. The Christ Church site, with its medieval meadows, extends over 175 acres just off St Aldates in Oxford.

Christ Church Cathedral itself is set in Tom Quad, the largest in Oxford, providing a physical and spiritual distance from the hustle and bustle of the everyday.

The Cathedral provides a peaceful place for reflection, contemplation or prayer – a sanctuary in the city.