Open Days are a fun and relaxed way for prospective applicants to come to Christ Church and chat to students and tutors, have a look around, and find out valuable information. 

Open Days at Christ Church

Our next Open Day

Our next Open Days will be held on 2 and 3 July 2025.

Our Open Days coincide with the other University of Oxford Open Days, so you can visit other colleges and University departments too.  

What happens on an Open Day?

Throughout the day, current students will be giving tours around Christ Church – they can tell you all about student life at the college and answer your questions about navigating the admissions process, arriving at Oxford, academic work, social life, and much more.  

There are talks for prospective students, parents and carers on college life, the admissions process (including demonstration interviews), finance and welfare. 

There are also plenty of chances for prospective students to meet different Christ Church tutors. The Tutor for Admissions and the Admissions and Access Team will be on hand all day to answer any admissions-related queries you may have. 

Take a look at our Open Day programme here. There’s no need to book a place on our Open Days but do turn up early as talks can fill up. 

See the July Open Day programme
Christ Church Open Day student helpers

Getting here

We strongly recommend that you don’t drive into Oxford city centre: parking is very limited and expensive. Christ Church is a 15-minute walk from Oxford Railway Station and a ten-minute walk from the bus and coach station (Gloucester Green).  

If you plan to drive to Oxford, the Park and Rides are the best option. Helpers will be at the Park and Rides to help you get to where you want to be. The University recommends the following four Park and Rides: Redbridge, Pear Tree, Thornhill, and Oxford Parkway. 

Further advice on getting to Oxford can be found on the University travel advice webpage.  

If you have any accessibility requirements, please get in touch with us before your visit at  so that we can make any necessary arrangements. Information about wheelchair accessibility is available on our website.  

Accommodation in Christ Church for the Open Days

We're able to provide limited free accommodation at Christ Church for prospective students and teachers who attend our Open Days. Prospective applicants travelling for the Open Days individually and teachers who would like to bring a group of pupils to Oxford can request accommodation by filling in this form by 22 April 2025. If we're over-subscribed, we'll prioritise accommodation requests from prospective students and UK schools that are further from Oxford and have higher proportions of pupils eligible for Free School Meals. We'll aim to let you know by the end of 30 April if we're able to offer you accommodation in Christ Church.  

We are unfortunately unable to provide accommodation on the main college site for parents and carers, but there may be some rooms available across the road from Christ Church at a discounted rate. If you are a parent or carer and would like information about how to book accommodation, please email

Support with travel costs

We don't want potential applicants or school groups to be put off attending one of our Open Days by travel costs.  

Prospective students travelling to Oxford for the Open Days 

Christ Church is able to cover reasonable travel expenses via public transport in the UK for students for whom the cost of travelling to the Open Day would present a barrier to doing so.  

Typically, to receive financial support for reasonable travel expenses prospective applicants need to commit to come to one of our Open Day sessions, be UK residents, attend or have attended UK schools, and be experiencing financial hardship. We can only reimburse travel costs if an agreement has been made in advance. If you are a prospective student who would be unable to attend the Open Day without financial support, please fill in the travel support form by 5pm on Friday 20 June 2025. 

Teachers wishing to bring groups to Christ Church for the Open Days 

If you are a teacher or a member of staff from a UK state-maintained school who would like to bring a group of pupils to Christ Church for the Open Days, but would be unable to cover the cost of coach travel without support, we may be able to help.  As well as filling in an accommodation request form, teachers will need to send a financial support application, including evidence of the costs (e.g. an original quote from the coach company). 

Priority will be given to schools from more distant regions (over 80 miles from Oxford) and with higher proportions of pupils eligible for Free School Meals.  We can only reimburse travel costs if an agreement has been made in advance.  

If you are a teacher or a member of school staff who would like to bring a group to Christ Church for the Open Day, but would be unable to do so without financial support, please fill in the coach travel support form by 5pm on 22 April 2025, as well as the accommodation request form here. 

Visit us outside of the Open Days

Prospective students are always welcome to come and have a look around Christ Church. It is helpful for us if you can let us know in advance that you are coming by emailing or, especially if you are bringing a large group. Please come to Tom Gate on St Aldate's (typing 'Tom Tower' into Google Maps should get you here) and tell the staff there that you are a prospective student. 

Hear from our

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the Open Days or undergraduate admissions, please get in touch with us at  

More information about what it’s like to study here can also be found on our site.  

If you’re a teacher interested in arranging a school visit to Christ Church, please get in touch

Still got a question?

Chat to a student

Do you still want to know more about student life, Christ Church or applying to the University of Oxford? Then why not chat to one of our students by following the link below?

Chat to one of our students