Tuesday 1 July

3pm to 5pm — Tours of Christ Church and a chance to chat to current students. Tours leave from the College’s main gate under Tom Tower (search ‘Tom Tower’ on Google Maps) 

 Evening — Dinner and evening events for those who have pre-booked overnight accommodation

Wednesday 2 July

All Day (10am to 4.30pm) — Tours of Christ Church and a chance to chat to current students. Tours leave from the College’s main gate under Tom Tower, last entry 4.30pm 

All Day (10am to 5pm)  — Tea and coffee in the Hall. Meeting point for parents/carers and prospective students after talks 

9am to 10am — Students: Personal Statement Workshop, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre  

9am to 10am — Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

11am to 12noon — Teachers’ workshop: How to support your applicants, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre  

12.30pm to 1.30pm — Students: Admissions talk and demonstration interview for sciences, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

12.30pm to 1.30pm — Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

1.45pm to 2.45pm — Students: Admissions talk and demonstration interview for arts, humanities, and social sciences, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

1.45pm to 2.45pm — Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

1.45pm to 2.45pm — Students: Meet the science tutors, various locations 

3pm to 4pm — Students: Meet the humanities and social science tutors 

Evening — Dinner and evening events for those who have pre-booked overnight accommodation

Thursday 3 July

All Day (10am to 4.30pm) — Tours of Christ Church and a chance to chat to current students. Tours leave from the College’s main gate under Tom Tower, last entry 4.30pm 

All Day (10am to 5pm)  — Tea and coffee in the Hall. Meeting point for parents/carers and prospective students after talks 

9am to 10am — Students: Personal Statement Workshop, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre  

9am to 10am — Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

11am to 12noon — Teachers’ workshop: How to support your applicants, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre  

12.30pm to 1.30pm — Students: Admissions talk and demonstration interview for sciences, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

12.30pm to 1.30pm — Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

1.45pm to 2.45pm — Students: Admissions talk and demonstration interview for arts, humanities, and social sciences, Sir Michael Dummett Lecture Theatre 

1.45pm to 2.45pm — Parents/carers: College life, finance, welfare, and the admissions process, Exhibition Space  

1.45pm to 2.45pm — Students: Meet the science tutors, various locations 

3pm to 4pm — Students: Meet the humanities and social science tutors