Sally has been volunteering as a steward since 2019. She works in the Cathedral on Sunday mornings at the Eucharist.
I’d say to anyone thinking about volunteering, it’s fun, give it a go.
I’d say to anyone thinking about volunteering, it’s fun, give it a go.
Sally began volunteering as a steward in 2019 and really enjoys it. She helps out most Sunday mornings at the Eucharist.
‘I just love being in the Cathedral, I love the service and the music, and I really enjoy meeting and welcoming people, and helping with the drinks afterwards. I’m getting to know members of the congregation, which is lovely.
'I sign up to volunteer a month ahead but can make changes if I have to, so it works very well. I’d say to anyone thinking about volunteering, it’s fun, give it a go. You meet people and have a chat, it’s very friendly. You won’t lose anything by trying!’
Becoming a steward at Christ Church
Supervision: Volunteer and Visitor Coordinator (VVC), Head Steward
Time commitment: Sign up according to your availability.
Purpose and function: Stewards are the front face of the Cathedral to worshippers and event-attendees, able to ensure that all are greeted in a friendly and welcoming manner and have a safe, pleasant experience when attending a service or an event at the Cathedral from welcome through to departure.
Role profile:
- Enthusiastic about the Cathedral and its mission
- Excellent communication and customer service skills
- A positive, friendly, helpful attitude
- Willing to undertake training
- Able to operate alone or as part of a team
- Able to take and follow instructions
- Able to use initiative and judgement
- Security-conscious, always alert to your surroundings
- Welcoming worshippers, scanning or checking tickets, showing guests to their seats, serving refreshments
- Assisting with the administration of Communion queues ensuring an orderly flow of communicants
- Assisting with the collection of offertory monies
- At large services undertaking tasks delegated by the Head Steward or senior event staff member (e.g. the Head Verger, or the Operations Manager)
- In the event of an emergency, assisting with an evacuation of the Cathedral under the direction of the Duty Verger
- Liaising with other key volunteers and staff helping at services or events
- Referring a problem or seeking support from the Verger or event leader, particularly if a dispute or inappropriate behaviour should occur by a visitor, or any form of danger to individuals or to the building becomes apparent
- Being vigilant of security risks at all times, including unattended items, fire, protest, and the safety of your own possessions etc.
General volunteer requirements:
- Read and follow the Christ Church Cathedral Volunteer Safeguarding Guide
- Complete Church of England Safeguarding Training – Basic Awareness, and Foundation modules
- Read and sign the Volunteer Agreement
- Complete induction training which will include Health & Safety, Fire, Security, as appropriate for the role
- Depending on additional advice received from the UK government or Church of England, you may be required to attend additional training sessions
- Attend Volunteer Days and training sessions as appropriate for the role
Volunteer benefits
- Become part of a friendly, supportive and welcoming community of volunteers
- Invitations to monthly coffee mornings with quizzes and talks; annual Garden Party and Epiphany Party (including a guest); visits to places of interest
- Priority booking to services such as Nine Lessons & Carols
- Free entry to the Christ Church site at any time (when open) with family or friends
- 10% discount in the Christ Church shop.
Other volunteer roles
Find out more about all the volunteer roles available at the Cathedral.