Licensed lay minister Wendy has been a day chaplain at the Cathedral for six years. She comes in once a month to spend the day at Christ Church.
'Because I’m wearing a cassock people are willing to approach me, sometimes about the Cathedral, sometimes other issues.'
'Because I’m wearing a cassock people are willing to approach me, sometimes about the Cathedral, sometimes other issues.'
Licensed lay minister Wendy has been a day chaplain at the Cathedral for six years. She comes in once a month to spend the day here, along with her husband Nigel, who volunteers as a guide.
‘I spend six hours in the cathedral, walking around or sitting. I say silent prayers in different places as well as prayers aloud on the hour. Because I’m wearing a cassock people are willing to approach me, sometimes about the Cathedral, sometimes other issues. We really just talk, I don’t lead the conversation. It’s a fine balance between information and listening.’
‘There’s something about the cathedral. I feel God is in this place, even in the stones. It’s a mix of history, worship and the lovely atmosphere; it speaks to me in my heart. There was one moment that struck me in particular: I was in early one morning, it was cold outside but the cathedral felt warm, very calm and peaceful. You can find God in any place but the cathedral seems to have an extra peace, a real sense of calm and depth.’

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