Killed in action aged 20
Buried Cambrin Military Cemetery (pas de Calais) France grave reference G 9
Matthew Arden was born in London, the second son of George Grenville Phillimore, District Probate Registrar of the High Court of Justice, first at Bristol and afterwards at Winchester, and May Melba (nee Franklyn) who lived at Shirral House, Shedfield, Botley, Hants.
Matthew was a King's Scholar of Westminster and an Exhibitioner at Christ Church, Oxford. He commenced Service on 23 April 1915, a 2nd Lieutenant 9th Essex Regiment attd RE, France. He was killed in action on 25 June 1916.
A processional cross of cast and chased brass was given to the Church of St John the Baptist, Shedfield in memory of Lt Matthew Phillimore by his parents. It displays the crucified Christ in the centre with medallions of symbolic figures for the four evangelists: St Matthew the man; St Mark the lion; St Luke the ox; and St John the eagle.