Cathedral congregations raise £5,690 for charity at Christmas services

Your generosity at our Christmas services this year raised an amazing £5,690 for two charities, Oxford Community Emergency Foodbank and Acts 435.

We invited you to donate to our chosen Christmas charities during each of our services of Nine Lessons and Carols, Midnight Mass, and the Eucharist of Christmas Day. We were completely blown away by the kindness you showed in response, eclipsing the total raised last year by more than double.

The money you have given will help those in need in two different ways. One half of the funds will go toward the work of Oxford Community Emergency Foodbank, who support individuals in our city experiencing food poverty and financial hardship. They do this by distributing food parcels from their three CEF Cafés, which operate from churches in Barton, Headington and Littlemore. If you would like to further support OCEF or volunteer, please visit their website for more information:

The other portion of the money will be used in partnership with Acts 435 to support asylum seekers and refugees. Acts 435 is a giving platform allowing money to be donated directly to those in need, inspired by the verse of the bible referenced in their name (‘it was distributed to each as any had need’). Participating churches and local charities around the UK (which now include the Cathedral) can appoint an Acts 435 Advocate who post requests to the platform on behalf of their intended recipients, to which anyone can donate.

In the case of asylum seekers and refugees, common requests include support with things such as purchasing winter clothing, food vouchers, and covering travel costs to attend Home Office appointments. Other groups of people supported through the site include those with needs related to poverty, ill health and disability, escaping domestic abuse, or getting back on their feet and making a fresh start following time rough sleeping, living in a refuge, or overcoming addiction.

"We're excited to be partnering with Christ Church Cathedral, enabling them to support individuals, especially those they're meeting in their community who are seeking refuge or asylum,” said Jenny Herera, Executive Director of Acts 435.

“We also want to say thank you to those who supported our work financially. This gift will go towards the urgent requests for help on our website, and will mean that we can support more individuals this year."

If you would like to learn more, visit

The money you have given to these two causes will make a huge difference to some of the most vulnerable in our society. Thank you for your generosity!