Dr Kaibo Hu awarded SIAM Early Career Prize
Dr Kaibo Hu, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Christ Church, has been awarded the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Early Career Prize in Computational Science and Engineering.
Dr Hu, a Royal Society University Research Fellow at Oxford's Mathematical Institute, is recognised for his 'contributions to the finite element exterior calculus, particularly structure-preserving numerical algorithms for magnetohydrodynamics.'
Dr Hu specialises in numerical analysis. His current research focuses on numerical methods for PDEs that preserve certain topological, geometric and physical structures of continuous problems in numerical computation.
Dr Hu will be awarded the prize at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), in Spring 2023 in Amsterdam, where he will give a plenary lecture.
The biennial SIAM prize is given to an outstanding early career researcher whose work makes a significant research contribution to the development and use of mathematical and computational tools and methods for the solution of science and engineering problems.
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