Fabian Pregel wins MIND Graduate Essay Prize
Mr Pregel's winning essay, ‘Neo-Logicism and Gödelian Incompleteness’, was published in October 2022.
Fabian Pregel has won the MIND Graduate Essay Prize. Mr Pregel, currently Stipendiary Lecturer in Philosophy at Christ Church, will take up a new position of Career Development Fellow in Philosophy at the college in April.
The essay competition topic was ‘The Philosophy of Logic’, and there was a total of forty entries. These were reviewed by the journal’s editors and an external advisor.
The winning essay ‘Neo-Logicism and Gödelian Incompleteness’, is published in the October 2022 issue of MIND. Mr Pregel also receives a cash prize of £500 and £500 worth of OUP books. The essay considers the challenge posed by Gödel’s theorem to neo-logicism in the philosophy of mathematics. Mr Pregel argues that the neo-logicist has no simple way of addressing this challenge. He considers in particular Crispin Wright’s proposal for how to do so and argues that it is unsatisfactory.
The judges said: “We were again impressed by the high standard of submissions. After three successful exercises, we plan another essay prize in due course. Watch this space!”
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