JCR/GCR Video Competition Winners
With great pleasure we unveil the winners of the TT22 Student Video Competition and their amazing prizes!
Do read on to find out how you can also win £100 in Amazon vouchers with just the use of your phone…
Without further ado, many congratulations to:
1st prize (£100 in Amazon vouchers each)
Koushikk Ayyappan and Serene Singh
Runner up (£50 in Amazon vouchers)
See their videos below:
Koushikk Ayyappan
Serene Singh
Sophie Westhorpe
Think you can do better?
The theme of the MT22 Student Video Competition is:
Art, Music, Sport or Leisure at Christ Church
You could win one of TWO top prizes of £100 Amazon gift vouchers (and other Judges’ Choice runner-up prizes of £50 and £25) in this term’s Christ Church video competition!
The competition is an opportunity to be as creative as you like, and help the College produce some new video content that reflects what it’s like to be a student at Christ Church today.
There are just a few guidelines though:
- You may work together in groups or submit entries as individuals (only one prize can be won per entry)
- The length of the video should not exceed 90 seconds.
- Framing must be horizontal, not vertical.
- Entries may be submitted by emailing a wetransfer [] link to
- The footage must have been filmed by you.
- Entrants are to ensure that all content used in the video is copyright free (including footage, music, etc.)
- Please consider Christ Church’s values when creating your video.
- Participants may submit as many videos entries as they wish.
- Participants grant Christ Church the right to reproduce, reprint, distribute, perform, display, or exhibit all videos, or any chosen clips from videos (not only the winning entries) including on its website and social media.
- Participants must ensure that all parties featuring in their videos have consented to appear on the above.
Deadline for entries: The competition is now closed.