Cathedral Safeguarding Policy

“The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a Safer Church for all.”  

March 2025

This document will be reviewed, revised (as required) and approved as part of the Cathedral’s safeguarding annual review process
VersionDateReviewed byApproved byDate of next review
V 1April 2019N/A April 2020
V 2April 2020EJN, GWEJN, GWApril 2021
V2.2 (contacts update)March 2021SRH April 2021
V3Feb 2022SRH, GWGW, ChapterFeb 2023
V4Feb 2023MD, SAWChapterFeb 2024
V5Feb 2024MD, SAWChapterFeb 2025
V5.2 (contacts update)Oct 2024MD Feb 2025
V6March 2025LWChapterFeb 2026


Christ Church is a place of worship, pilgrimage, sanctuary, and activity, and it should be a safe place for all. Safeguarding forms part of our everyday working practice and is the responsibility of everyone at Christ Church Cathedral.

This policy sets out our commitment to safeguarding as part of our daily lives, to the safer recruitment of all our staff and volunteers, to ongoing training and raising of awareness, and indicates how we follow up concerns. 

This policy is reviewed by the Cathedral Chapter each year and updated accordingly when any changes are needed. This policy, procedures and guidance is for all our staff, volunteers, contractors, and community.

Please note that the recommended way to view this full document is in electronic form accessed from the Cathedral website so that links to reference material can be followed and anyone consulting the document can be confident that the latest, dated, version is being used.

Our designated safeguarding personnel are:

In their absence, the Sub Dean will fulfil these roles, and the Canon in Residence in the Sub Dean’s absence.

The House of Bishops’ safeguarding policy statement and the contact details of staff with specific safeguarding responsibilities is displayed on a poster in the Ante Chapel near the entrance to the Cathedral.

Safeguarding training is mandatory for all our volunteers, staff, and musicians at a level appropriate to their range of activities, work and responsibility, so please make sure you are familiar with the sections that are relevant to you.

Christ Church Cathedral will take appropriate steps to maintain a safer environment for all to practise fully and positively Christ’s ministry towards children, young people and adults; to respond sensitively and compassionately to their needs in order to help keep them safe from harm.

The key message for us all is to ‘be alert’. Properly understanding and applying these measures is a key part of our responsibility in stewarding the gifts and resources entrusted to us, as we continue to look and work for the coming of God’s kingdom among us and being knowledgeable about what to look out for and how to raise concerns can make all the difference to a child or vulnerable person in need.

The Reverend Canon Peter Moger, Sub Dean – 3 March 2025      

1. Our Safeguarding Statement

The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral fully endorse the Church of England's safeguarding policy statement: Promoting a Safer Church (2017) which states:

"The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in Church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a Safer Church for all."

Christ Church Cathedral requires all those who undertake activities on behalf of the Cathedral to be familiar, and comply, with the Cathedral's Safeguarding Policy and procedures.

Christ Church Cathedral provides all our people, including our members of Chapter, clergy, staff, workers, volunteers, and scholars with relevant and appropriate training to ensure that we all are proactive in our approach to safeguarding and, as a minimum, we are compliant with our statutory responsibilities and policy commitments.

The Dean and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral also commit to following the Principles of the House of Bishops’ six policy areas to structure its safeguarding arrangements, practice and procedures:

  1. Promoting a safer environment and culture
  2. Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children and vulnerable adults within the Church
  3. Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
  4. Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
  5. Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
  6. Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.

In addition to following the Church of England’s safeguarding document ‘Promoting a Safer Church’, we subscribe to its Code of Safer Working Practice. All staff, clergy and volunteers are expected to uphold the standards contained within these documents as well as the Cathedral’s own policies.

Christ Church Cathedral’s Cathedral Safeguarding Officer is Lisa Wilkins and its Cathedral Safeguarding Officers are Matthew Dickins and Zachary Guiliano. If you have a safeguarding concern, contact the Police on 999 if there is a risk of immediate harm, otherwise please email

2. Our Safeguarding Commitment

Christ Church Cathedral recognises that the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of everyone. 

The Cathedral also recognises that good safeguarding practice concerns the development of safer expressions of care to all and underpins the love and welcome of God for all people. We can show God’s love through action, by working in a supported and co-ordinated manner when responding to safeguarding concerns.

Christ Church Cathedral is committed to:

  1. The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children, young people and adults.
  2. The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults where they are vulnerable.
  3. The establishment of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is a culture of ‘informed vigilance’ as to the dangers of abuse.

2.1      All churches and faith communities are required to have in place arrangements which include: 

  1. Procedures to identify, respond to and report concerns
  2. Codes of safe practice
  3. Safe recruitment procedures

2.2    Communication

When dealing with safeguarding matters we recognise that communication is key and we are committed to making timely responses to concerns, consulting and working in conjunction with statutory agencies, the Diocese of Oxford and where appropriate with the University of Oxford, and Oxford Safeguarding Children Board, or Oxford Safeguarding Adults Board.

2.3    Responsibilities

Our policy embraces Church of England policy and guidance and the recommendations from the House of Bishops, and governs the work and activities we undertake involving children, young people and vulnerable adults who attend the Cathedral or take part in activities on the Cathedral premises or that are organised by the Cathedral.

In discharging and fulfilling our safeguarding responsibilities Christ Church Cathedral is committed to:

  • 2.3.1 Governance: Ensuring that our safeguarding governance framework meets the needs of the Cathedral to ensure it is effective in discharging and complying with its safeguarding responsibilities.
  • 2.3.2 Policy:  Ensuring that our Safeguarding Policy is reviewed regularly and signed off annually by Chapter. 
  • 2.3.3 Procedures and Practices: Implementing the Church of England’s policy and guidance and House of Bishops' recommendations and promoting excellent practice in safeguarding throughout the Cathedral and its community, including record keeping, risk assessment and responding to complaints.
  • 2.3.4 Deploying designated safeguarding personnel: Appointing designated safeguarding personnel who are trained and experienced to drive forward the Cathedral’s safeguarding agenda.
  • 2.3.5 Recruitment: Adopting and implementing Safer Recruitment & People Management Guidance 2021, including the undertaking of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks for individuals who undertake roles and/or activities on behalf of Christ Church Cathedral that satisfy the risk assessment for a check at the relevant level.
  • 2.3.6 Induction and Probation: Ensuring that all our people who are employed or deployed into new roles receive, or have access to, the Cathedral’s Safeguarding Policy during their first day of employment/activity and will be covered within induction training. Induction training will cover the operational arrangements of the tasks that our people are expected to carry out with regard to safeguarding practices. Accredited safeguarding training will be provided during the probation period and no individual will successfully complete their probation period without completing the accredited training. 
  • 2.3.7 Training: Ensuring that safeguarding training and development events are provided to all our people in a timely manner by competent trainers; are provided with refresher training on a regular cycle; and evaluated to ensure that the training fulfils its purpose. Christ Church Cathedral will follow the guidance from the Church of England in relation to training for our staff and volunteers. Training resources are available for all staff to ensure continued professional development.
  • 2.3.8 Communication and Instruction: Christ Church Cathedral will ensure that all staff, volunteers, contractors and community will have access to safeguarding policies and procedures and receive appropriate training. We will ensure that our people receive the necessary information and instruction that enables them to be vigilant regarding safeguarding matters and concerns and that enables them to feel confident to be able to take appropriate action should a safeguarding situation arise. Christ Church Cathedral are aware that local risks and safeguarding concerns can be different to national trends. We will work locally with other agencies to manage these as they arise. All our staff and volunteers will be briefed in person, via electronic briefings or via a newsletter to ensure that all the cathedral community are safeguarded. 

3. Our Safeguarding Governance

The Cathedral has a structured safeguarding governance framework in place that comprises:

  1. a Cathedral Safeguarding Officer and two Associate Cathedral Safeguarding Officers (with the Sub Dean or Canon in Residence deputising where necessary) to ensure a daily primary contact and capacity to respond without delay - with clear terms of reference for their roles.
  2. Developing and maintaining effective working partnerships with others who hold safeguarding responsibilities in the Christ Church Cathedral School (CCCS), the College, the University, the Diocese.

3.1    Chapter Safeguarding Officer and Cathedral Safeguarding Leads

These roles shall lead on the operational management of safeguarding matters within their respective areas of the Cathedral. They lead on matters relating to the effective implementation and maintenance of management systems, procedures and practices that safeguard children, young people and vulnerable adults; to strive to continuously improve working procedures and practices; and any other related matters that are considered appropriate. Frideswide Voices and the Cathedral Singers have their own Safeguarding Leads to ensure that there is sufficient operational cover and contact for their onsite and offsite activities.

The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer (or an Associate Cathedral Safeguarding Officer in their absence) will provide a regular report at each Chapter meeting, and report to Governing Body’s Welfare Committee on a termly basis.

3.2    Working partnerships with Christ Church Cathedral School, the College, the University and the Diocese, and regulatory bodies.

Full details of these partnerships are covered in Section 5, but by working together and in support of each other through this governance structure Christ Church Cathedral will:

  1. Reinforce the message that Christ Church Cathedral will pro-actively take responsibility for safeguarding children, young people and adults involved with the Cathedral in any capacity who may be vulnerable.
  2. Ensure all safeguarding concerns are reported promptly and acted upon accordingly.
  3. Respond without delay to every complaint or allegation made that any person is at risk of, or has suffered harm in whatever form.
  4. Carefully select and train volunteers and paid workers using the Church of England’s Safer Recruitment & People Management Guidance 2021
  5. Co-operate fully with both the Diocese of Oxford and all statutory agencies during any investigation into any allegations concerning a member of our community.
  6. Offer informed pastoral care to any person who has suffered abuse.
  7. Offer appropriate care, support and supervision for any member of our community who is the subject of any allegation of having perpetrated abuse or been known to have perpetrated abuse. Where necessary we will work with statutory agencies to accomplish this.
  8. Undertake all safeguarding duties in accordance with Church of England national safeguarding advice.

4. Our Safeguarding Responsibilities

It is sometimes difficult to acknowledge that abuse can happen within a cathedral or a church. Any group or organisation engaging with or working with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults needs to be alert to the possibility of abuse occurring.  It is the responsibility of us all to put the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults first and to recognise and respond to processes and behaviours that can put those individuals at risk.

We would encourage anyone affected by abuse either as a victim or because they know someone who has been a victim to contact us for help and advice

We are aware that many children, young people and vulnerable adults are the victims of different kinds of abuse and that they can be subjected to social factors that have an adverse impact upon their lives, such as domestic abuse or substance misuse.

We work to discharge our safeguarding responsibilities through the creation of a safe and respectful environment within which children, young people and vulnerable people can visit, worship and thrive.

4.1    Our Legal Responsibilities

The Cathedral has a responsibility to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults under Canon law and statute. It acknowledges the key statutory requirements with which it is responsible for complying.

Notwithstanding this, the Cathedral recognises that it is people who protect – not procedures – and through our people we constantly strive to create and sustain a culture of informed vigilance throughout the Cathedral and our community by sharing responsibility and having clearly-defined roles and responsibilities relating to safeguarding. Details of how to recognise, report and deal with an incident are available to all our staff, volunteers, and congregations.

For more information contact

4.2    The Dean and Chapter

The Dean and Chapter has ultimate responsibility for the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults arising from the actions of those undertaking activities on behalf of Christ Church Cathedral.  It is responsible for the leadership and culture of safeguarding throughout the Cathedral and its community; for effective safeguarding governance; for ensuring statutory obligations are exceeded; for ensuring our policy and procedures are up to date, effectively communicated to all our people and are embedded within our culture and safeguarding practices; for ensuring compliance with Church of England policy and practice guidance; and for ensuring that there is adequate financial provision to meet its safeguarding responsibilities.

The Chapter is supported in discharging its safeguarding responsibility through the Cathedral’s safeguarding governance framework; the Canons; designated safeguarding personnel; the Cathedral Registrar; Heads of Department and all our people who undertake activities on behalf of Christ Church Cathedral. 

4.3    Chapter Safeguarding Officer & Safeguarding Leads

The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer and Associate Cathedral Safeguarding Officers are responsible for raising awareness and understanding throughout the Cathedral community of staff, volunteers and worshippers of the needs of children and adults and actively promoting the philosophy that their interests are paramount; for the development and implementation of Cathedral safeguarding arrangements, good practice, policy and training; for ensuring that allegations of abuse are promptly and appropriately referred to the statutory authorities; for undertaking safeguarding investigations, where it is not appropriate to refer the matter to the Diocese, Police or local authority; for providing appropriate advice and support to survivors and victims of abuse; for making sure that those who are deemed to pose a risk to the Cathedral community are appropriately supported and managed; for advising the Cathedral on all safeguarding matters, ensuring that all advice is in line with the law, government guidance and national policy, and guidance from the House of Bishops; and for working collaboratively with the Diocese and the National Safeguarding Team. The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer can be contacted on 07746 046009 and

4.4    Heads of Departments

Heads of Department and line managers bear a responsibility for ensuring that those people who undertake activities on behalf of Christ Church Cathedral are provided with sufficient and timely information, instruction, training and supervision to ensure the safeguarding of children and young people and the protection of vulnerable adults. 

4.5     Our ‘people’

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Each individual who undertakes activities on behalf of Christ Church Cathedral has a responsibility to ensure the safeguarding of children and young people and the protecting of vulnerable adults.

4.5.1 All staff and volunteers have a responsibility to follow the 5 R's (Recognise, Respond, Report, Record & Refer).

4.5.2 Each individual is responsible for displaying behaviour that positively reflects those set and referenced in the Safeguarding Statement (Section 1). Employees who fail to demonstrate the standards of behaviour required may be subject to action in accordance with the disciplinary procedures set out in the Staff Handbook. For more information contact

5. Our Safeguarding Partnerships

The Cathedral has a series of partnerships that are crucial to ensuring we provide a safer environment for all to participate in the life and community of the Cathedral.

5.1    Church of England

Christ Church Cathedral is committed to supporting and working in partnership with key bodies within the Church of England to protect children and young people and safeguard vulnerable adults. Such key bodies encompass:

  1. Archbishops Council, House of Bishops and National Church Institutions
  2. The National Safeguarding Steering Group (NSSG) (to support the NSSG with its activities set out in its Terms of Reference)
  3. The National Safeguarding Team

5.2   Christ Church Cathedral School (CCCS)

Christ Church Cathedral is committed to supporting and working in partnership with key bodies within the Church of England to protect children and young people and safeguard vulnerable adults. This partnership will be achieved by:

  1. Weekly meetings between the Organist and the Headmaster to discuss among other things, any safeguarding concerns or incidents;
  2. The Precentor serving as School Chaplain to provide pastoral support for teachers and pupils at the School;
  3. A residentiary canon of the Cathedral acting as Safeguarding Governor on the Board of School Governors. This is currently the Sub Dean, who meets regularly with the Headmaster to discuss safeguarding matters.

5.3   Christ Church (the College) and the University of Oxford

The Dean has responsibility for safeguarding in the College at Christ Church.  In the absence of the Dean, the Censor Theologiae has ultimate responsibility for safeguarding at Christ Church. Their deputy in regard to safeguarding is the Junior Censor.

Concerns related to safeguarding in the College (including any current students, prospective students or visitors under the age of 18, as well as vulnerable adults) should be reported to the College’s Designated Safeguarding Lead, who is Professor Jenny Yee.

Further details may be found at:

5.4    Diocese of Oxford  

Christ Church Cathedral and the Diocese of Oxford are committed to working together, collaboratively at both a strategic level and operational level, to deliver a joined-up and cohesive professional safeguarding service that fully meets the requirements of the House of Bishops’ policy and guidance; that ensures that the Diocese and the Cathedral comply with their statutory obligations; and that enables the Diocese and the Cathedral to deliver safeguarding best practice that protects children and young people, and safeguards adults at risk.

5.5    Other strategic and operational partnerships

Christ Church Cathedral acknowledges that to deliver effective safeguarding through all that we do, we must develop and maintain effective working partnerships with other service providers with whom we interact on a daily basis and also to whom we need to turn when a specific safeguarding concern arises.

Such partners include contractors working within the Cathedral, external suppliers of regular services such as safeguarding training providers and property management services.  Where such relationships exist Christ Church Cathedral will ensure that our Safeguarding Policy is communicated to these partners and that any services delivered at Christ Church Cathedral take our safeguarding policies into account.

We will establish and maintain links with external statutory bodies who perform duties and functions which impact on good safeguarding practice and ensure that Christ Church Cathedral, acknowledging our unique role in the wider community, is represented and recognised as an active partner in support of such bodies.  
These include:

6. Our Safeguarding Procedures & Practices

Although this policy lays out the key principles of Christ Church Cathedral’s commitment to safeguarding, there is a series of additional procedures and practices, and accompanying guidance, that explains how specific situations will be addressed and concerns and complaints handled.

6.1    Allegations and Concerns

Christ Church Cathedral is committed to supporting victims and survivors. We would encourage anyone affected by abuse either as a victim or because they know someone who has been a victim to contact us through the Associate Cathedral Safeguarding Officer for help and advice:

Christ Church Cathedral welcomes everyone and we recognise that all our visitors, staff and volunteers should feel safe. We follow the Church of England’s advice and guidance Safer Environment & Activities. We will respond to all concerns and allegations promptly and follow the Church of England Practice Guidance. Concerns about children, young people and vulnerable adults will be responded to according to procedures, recognising the sensitivity it may hold for those involved. We recognise that different concerns exist regarding adults and children. These include: Child, Adult & Domestic Abuse; Child Sexual Exploitation; County Lines; Stalking and Harassment; Radicalisation; Financial Abuse; Mental Health amongst others as well as new and emerging issues that occur nationally and regionally. For more information contact

Where there are concerns for the behaviour of, or allegations against, a Cathedral worker these should be directed immediately to the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer who will confirm the appropriate next action. For more information contact

A referral must be made to the police and / or local authority where it appears that a criminal offence has occurred against a child or adult.

Where there is an identified concern for the wellbeing of a child or other vulnerable person, which does not meet the threshold of believing a crime may have been committed the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer will, if necessary, make the necessary referrals to the relevant Social Services Department.

These procedures are readily accessible to all our staff and volunteers. For more information contact

6.2    Missing People

Christ Church Cathedral recognises that children and adults may get lost and separated from family and friends. All reports of missing persons should be treated as priority and the Chapter Safeguarding Officer and Cathedral Registrar should be contacted. Full details of our procedures are available. For more information contact

6.3    Safer Recruitment

Safer recruitment practices form part of a network of checks and balances that is intended to minimise the possibility of appointing inappropriate individuals to work with vulnerable groups.  Appointment or deployment to all roles will be in line with the Church of England’s “Protecting all God’s Children” (2010), and Safer Recruitment & People Management Guidance 2021. Those involved in the appointing process should be appropriately trained and should use the recruitment process as an opportunity to satisfy themselves that the person has the knowledge, skills, experience and integrity for the work. 

The Safer Recruitment process will implement a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check where the risk assessment of a role and/or activities provides evidence for a requirement for a check.

6.4    Induction and Probation

Christ Church Cathedral’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures form part of the induction process for all new staff and volunteers.  It will be a condition of confirmation of successful completion of any probationary period that the individual has completed the Church of England safeguarding training modules: Basic Awareness and Foundation.

6.5    Safeguarding Training

All of our people who undertake work or activities on behalf of Christ Church Cathedral are provided with safeguarding training in a timely manner by competent trainers. Safeguarding training will be refreshed within a 3-year cycle.

The content of such training is specific to the role undertaken within the Cathedral environment and follows the guidance issued by the Church of England:

Title/roleTraining requirements
All lay staff and all volunteers
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
Volunteer & Visitor Assistant, Cathedral Welcome Assistants, Day Chaplains, Vergers, and Senior Vergers
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Volunteer & Visitor Coordinator
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Leadership
  • Safer Recruitment
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Lay Clerks, Organ Scholars, Singing Teachers, and Music Theory Teachers
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
Sub Organist, Director of Frideswide Voices, Cathedral Singers Employees, and Cathedral Operations Manager
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Leadership
  • Safer Recruitment
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Cathedral Safeguarding Officer and Associate Cathedral Safeguarding Officers
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Leadership
  • Senior Leadership
  • Safer Recruitment
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Chapter Attendees, Clergy, and LLMs
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Leadership
  • Safer Recruitment
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Chapter Members, Precentor, Priest Vicar, Organist, and the Cathedral Registrar
  • Basic Awareness
  • Foundation
  • Leadership
  • Senior Leadership
  • Safer Recruitment
  • Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse
Where an individual falls into more than one category, they should follow the training requirement which sees them undertake the highest relevant level of learning.  

The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer is available to offer advice and clarification following any training. Additional training resources and information is provided to all our staff and volunteers. For more information contact

6.6    Safeguarding Risk Assessments

The Cathedral Safeguarding Officer will have sight of all safeguarding risk assessments, such as for visiting choirs and other events hosted at Christ Church Cathedral, where it might be expected children or other vulnerable persons will be in attendance. Where necessary the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer reserves the right to seek clarification and reassurance from any visiting external organisation or group regarding any weaknesses or gaps in their own risk assessment for activities undertaken at the Cathedral involving children or other vulnerable groups and the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer will advise should such risk assessments be unsuitable.

Where Christ Church Cathedral is made aware of a specific risk posed by any person attending the Cathedral for any purpose, for example a known offender attending services or one of our people being the subject of any allegation, a risk assessment and risk management plan will be formulated by the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer in consultation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser as required. For more information contact

6.7    Visiting Clergy

Christ Church Cathedral welcomes and encourages visiting clergy to worship and lead services in the Cathedral. Following an invitation to address or take part within a service taking place within the Cathedral, the Cathedral will ensure that they meet all safeguarding protocols before they are allowed to do so.

6.8    Hire of Cathedral Premises 

Where external organisations/individuals are using Cathedral premises, hire arrangements must make it clear that the organisations/individuals are to abide by the Cathedral’s Safeguarding Policy.

This will form part of the Hire Agreement and hirers must be asked to sign a copy of this, even when an organisation has their own, to acknowledge that this has been seen and will be adhered to and that all concerns about children, young people and vulnerable adults will be reported to the relevant statutory authority. If an organisation has a Safeguarding Policy, the Cathedral reserves the right to ask for a copy of it to be filed with the hire agreement. 

6.9   Online Worship & Social Media

Christ Church Cathedral is aware that online worship and associated groups are becoming more common and are committed to ensure the safety of all attendees. All staff involved in this key role have received the appropriate training and additional information is available in the Cathedral Online & Social Media Policy which is available on the website

6.10 Parental Consent and Child Information

Where a child (any person under 18) is taking part in activities at the Cathedral as a volunteer, in any work placement, or in paid employment, a consent form will be completed by the adult with parental responsibility. For more information contact

6.11 Cathedral Photography Policy

Christ Church Cathedral has clear guidance for staff and visitors regarding the taking of photographs of people. This policy is available to view on the website.

6.12 Cathedral Livestreaming Policy

Christ Church Cathedral has clear guidance for staff and visitors regarding the recording or livestreaming of concerts and services. This policy is available to view on the cathedral website

6.13 Christ Church Cathedral School (CCCS) – Choristers

The Cathedral maintains strong links with Christ Church Cathedral School, which educates and trains choristers for the Cathedral Choir, with the school retaining safeguarding responsibility for these pupils. The Organist and Cathedral Music Department have a duty of care to the choristers whilst they are in the Cathedral to ensure that Cathedral Safeguarding Policy is followed.

Guidance about the safeguarding arrangements for participation of choristers in Cathedral services, events and choral rehearsals are agreed and set by CCCS and the Cathedral. For more information contact

6.14 Frideswide Voices (FV) – Choristers

Guidance about the safeguarding arrangements for participation of Frideswide Voices choristers in the Cathedral services, events and choral rehearsals are agreed and set by the Cathedral Music Department and Chapter. For more information contact

6.15 Oxford Change Ringers 

The bells in the Wolsey Tower are rung by the Oxford Change Ringers who use the space to both rehearse and ring bells for key collegiate, liturgical and national occasions. The Secretary of the Change Ringers will have responsibility for making sure that they comply with the Bell Ringers Guild and that Cathedral Safeguarding Policies and procedures. The Oxford Change Ringers follow a corporate agreement which is in place between themselves and the Cathedral. For more information contact

6.16 Visiting Choirs

The Cathedral is an integral part of the community locally and nationally. We encourage choirs to visit and take part in services within the Cathedral. Safeguarding of any visiting choir will be managed within Cathedral Safeguarding Policies and procedures.  For more information contact

6.17 Disciplinary Procedure

Christ Church Cathedral will invoke the Disciplinary Procedure against those employees and volunteers who do not fulfil their safeguarding responsibilities adequately, following the receipt of comprehensive information, instruction and training, relative to their status within the Cathedral. 

6.18 Information Sharing

Notwithstanding the requirements of data protection legislation, Christ Church Cathedral recognises the need to share information sensitively and appropriately with other professionals and statutory bodies to ensure effective safeguarding. In doing so, Christ Church Cathedral will adhere to government guidance (Information Sharing Advice for Professionals 2018). We will follow the principles of ensuring all information shared is necessary, proportionate, relevant, adequate, accurate, timely and secure: we will ensure that information shared is necessary for the purpose for which it is being shared, it is shared only with those individuals who need to have it, is accurate and up to-date, is shared in a timely fashion, and is shared securely. A record of any information shared in a safeguarding matter will be made as part of the safeguarding case management system maintained by the Associate Cathedral Safeguarding Officer. Any request for information from an external agency or statutory body will be directed to the Cathedral Registrar who will consult with the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer to establish the necessity and proportionality of sharing in response to such requests prior to formulating a response. Again, a record of any information shared will be made in the secure electronic safeguarding records, which are confidential. 

6.19 Whistleblowing

Any concern arising regarding a suspicion of malpractice in any aspect of the Cathedral’s operations and working practices, or the conduct of clergy, staff, or volunteers within the Cathedral, or others acting on behalf of the Cathedral, can and should be reported under the Cathedral’s Whistleblowing Policy which is available to view on the Cathedral website.  

6.20 Complaints

Any individual who is unhappy about how any aspect of Safeguarding has been dealt with by Christ Church Cathedral, and the matter cannot be resolved with the Cathedral Safeguarding Officer, can share their concerns via email to the Diocesan Head of Safeguarding, Louise Whitehead, on A copy of Christ Church Cathedral’s Safeguarding Complaints Procedure is available on the Cathedral’s website.

7. Further information

a. National legislation, policy and local guidance

Legislation and statutory guidance (England and Wales)

Adult safeguarding (over the age of 18)
  • The Care Act 2014: gives local authorities a new legal responsibility to provide a care and support plan (or a support plan in the case of a carer). For the first time, the Act provides people with a legal entitlement to a personal budget, which is an important part of the care and support plan.
  • Care and Support Statutory Guidance (2018) – especially Section 14: Safeguarding
  • Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board: works with organisations across Oxfordshire to ensure that effective safeguarding policies and procedures are in place and agencies work together.
Child and young people (under the age of 18)
  • The Children Act 1989: allocates duties to local authorities, courts, parents and other agencies in the United Kingdom, to ensure children are safeguarded and their welfare is promoted. It centres on the idea that children are best cared for within their own families; however, it also makes provisions for instances when parents and families do not cooperate with statutory bodies. It defines “significant harm” – a threshold for “child protection”.
  • The Adoption and Children Act 2002: Part 2 amended the Children Act 1989, and extended the definition of significant harm to include ‘impairment suffered from seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another’. This recognises the fact that witnessing domestic violence can have serious implications for children’s development.
  • The Education Act 2002: Section 175 places a duty on local authorities in relation to their education functions, the governing bodies of maintained schools and the governing bodies of further education institutions (which include sixth-form colleges) to exercise their functions with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children who are either pupils at a school or who are students under 18 years of age attending further education institutions.
  • The same duty applies to independent schools (which include Academies/free schools) by virtue of regulations made under section 157 of this Act.
  • The Children Act 2004: amended The Children Act 1989, largely in consequence of the Victoria Climbié inquiry.
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (2018) and links within to other guidance documents
  • The Children and Families Act 2014: put in place a number of provisions, e.g. with regard to education health and care plans of disabled children (part 3); and, dealt with the amendment or provision in a number of miscellaneous areas, e.g. child performance licensing (Part 5).
  • Oxford Safeguarding Children Board works with organisations across Oxfordshire to ensure that effective safeguarding policies and procedures are in place and agencies work together.
Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

Church of England National Safeguarding Documents

Practice Guidance:
Other documents:

Oxford University

A list of the University’s key policies can be found at: and

The University Safeguarding Code of Practice includes guidance on:

  • Aim
  • Planning an activity
  • Training
  • Dealing with suspicions or allegations of abuse
  • Useful links

These links may be followed to access the guidance. Section 4 should be consulted whenever there is a safeguarding concern that includes a university dimension.

Charity Commission

The Charity Commission:

Help and advice for potential whistleblowers: the charity Protect provides free confidential advice to employees who have concerns about wrongdoing in the workplace.
Contact the charity on 020 7404 6609.

Other links and resources

b. Key contacts

Christ Church Cathedral

For urgent and confidential safeguarding matters:

Christ Church (College)

For urgent and confidential safeguarding matters:

The Dean has responsibility for safeguarding in the College at Christ Church. In the absence of the Dean, the Censor Theologiae has ultimate responsibility for safeguarding at Christ Church. Their deputy in regard to safeguarding is the Junior Censor.

Diocese of Oxford

For general safeguarding enquiries and advice:

For urgent and confidential safeguarding matters:

For training and general safeguarding matters:

National Church of England Safeguarding Team 

If you wish to report any safeguarding concerns directly to the NST

Local Authority & Safeguarding Partners
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub Referrals

The Oxfordshire MASH Referral Form (MASH Enquiry online referral form) may be used by professionals only to refer children to social services.

Or you can email a report to MASH on the secure email:

If you are unsure whether to make a referral

You can contact the Locality and Community Support Service (LCSS) and request a ‘no names’ consultation (meaning you don’t give the child’s name). You can then discuss the situation with them and they will advise you on what to do next. If a referral needs to be made they will advise you of this.

  • LCSS Central: 0345 241 2705
  • LCSS North (including Banbury, Witney, Bicester, Carterton and Woodstock): 0345 241 2703
  • LCSS South (including Abingdon, Faringdon, Wantage, Thame, Didcot and Henley): 0345 241 2608

To report concerns about child sexual exploitation 

If a child or young person has made a disclosure regarding sexual exploitation, or if you think a child may be at risk of being sexually exploited please contact the Kingfisher Team on: 01865 309196. Out of hours calls to this number will be diverted to the Thames Valley Police Referral Centre.

To report concerns about child radicalisation

If you are concerned about a child or young person being radicalised please follow the guidance in this link: Making a Prevent Referral

To report concerns about a professional or person in a position of trust 

Please contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) to report an allegation or concern on: 01865 810603 or email:


For urgent and confidential safeguarding matters relating to a child or young person:

  • Childline: 0800 11 11
  • Silverline: 0800 470 80 90 (to seek help for older people)
  • Kingfisher Team: 01865 309196
  • NSPCC Child Protection: 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.
  • Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours).

For urgent and confidential safeguarding matters relating to an adult or vulnerable adult:

  • National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.
  • Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours). Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.
  • Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 0808 808 8141 (free phone Monday to Friday 9-5pm)
  • National Rape Crisis Helpline: 0808 802 9999 and is open every day from 12-2.30pm and 7-9.30pm.
  • The Survivors Trust: 0808 801 0818 and is open Monday to Wednesday 10-7.30pm, Thursday 10-6pm and Friday 10-2pm.


Christ Church Cathedral’s Chapter Safeguarding Officer is The Rev Dr Zachary Guiliano and its Safeguarding Lead, Matthew Dickins.  If you have a safeguarding concern, contact the Police on 999 if there is a risk of immediate harm, otherwise please email