Killed in action aged 25
No known grave
Edward Hartley was born in Swinton, Lancashire to Edward and Catherine Kirkpatrick. The Kirkpatricks were cotton spinners and doubler, owning factories in the Wigan area of Lancashire and were a constant force for good in the neighbourhood making their influence widely felt throughout two long generations from Edward’s grandfather, Thomas.
Edward was educated at May Place, near Upton-on-Severn (1891), and
Christ Church.
On 23 January 1900, Second Lieutenant Edward Hartley Kirkpatrick, from 13th Middlesex Volunteer Rifle Corps, to the Oxfordshire Light Infantry. He saw service in South Africa with the 1st Battalion and was promoted to Lieutenant in April 1902.
In 1905 he was invalided home, where he remained on sick leave until the end of 1906, placed on half-pay in April 1906. At the end of the year he was posted to the 2nd Battalion at Tidworth.
From 1908 to 1911 Kirkpatrick was Aide-de-Camp to Sir George C. Denton, K.C.M.G., Governor and Commander-in-Chief Gambia West Africa,being promoted to captain in February 1909, and rejoining the 2nd Battalion at Aldershot in April 1912.
At the outbreak of war he was doing duty at the Dept, and on mobilization proceeded with 3rd Battalion to Portsmouth. On 8 October 1914 he joined the 2nd Battalion at Soupir, just before it left the Aisne for Flanders; was wounded at Langemarck on 21 October, and invalided to England. Rejoined on 4 February 1915; mentioned in Dispatches; promoted Brevet-Major, and killed in action on 15th/16th May.
He was killed in action during the first day's attack on the Festubert salient, a component of the larger Artois Offensive, where 2nd Ox and Bucks suffered nearly 400 casualties.
He is remembered on Panel 26, of the Le Touret Memorial.
His Effects amounted to £16,268 13s 10d. Probate granted to his sister Florence Mary Scott wife of Lionel Folliott Scott on 12 September 1917. Two of Lionel’s brothers were killed in WW1.

In 2009, Cowans Auctions of Cincinnati sold his Set of medals including a Winston Churchill secretarial signed "mentioned in dispatches" document that reads,
The War of 1914-1918 Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry
Capt E. H. Kirkpatrick was mentioned in a dispatch from Field Marshal
Sir John D. French GCB, OM, GCV, VO, KG, MG Dated 14 January 1915 for gallant and distinguished services in the Field. I have it in command from the King to record His Majesty's high appreciation of the services rendered. Winston Churchill Secretary of State for War.
[Letter composed on War Office Whitehall, S.W. 1st March 1919 stationary.]