Rodney was the son of the Reverend Robert Howard Lloyd and his wife Patricia Margaret Evelyn Raymond who married in London at St Paul’s Knightsbridge in 1919. His father had been a bank manager in Birmingham and she had been born in Alexandria, Egypt and educated in Great Malvern. The Reverend Lloyd was Rector of Rotherfield Greys near Henley-on-Thames, where Rodney was born in 1922. He had an older sister (Hester) and a younger (Veronica).
Rodney was educated at Eton and then, following his father’s footsteps was awarded a Classics Scholarship at Christ Church in 1941. He was up for a year and was captain of the joint Christ Church, BNC and Pembroke boat that was Head of the River in May 1942.
On 9 February 1943, he was gazetted to the Rifle Brigade. He was attached to the 1st Battalion Middlesex Regiment.
Their War Diaries mention him, firstly, in the action at Canton de Vassy
“It was nearly 0330 hours on July 30th 1944 when the company reached the top of the hill 309 and took up defensive positions covering 270 degrees. The two sides were in an exposed position.
July 31st Mortars and guns of the enemy opened heavy fire, the enemy attacked from the back with mortar fire on any movement on the hill. Two men of A Company were killed and four wounded. In the evening, the enemy infantry were seen trying to escape. The siege had been a success and heavy losses were inflicted on them, many being killed. The Company remained in the same positions until August 4th, and then moved up to Marieux, and later to St. Peter Tarentaine.
August 5th. The Brigade attacked at Bois des Monts, Lassy, and La Rocque, but the attacks failed on the 6th. The platoon lieutenant had just obtained the support of the 9th Cameronians when a mortar fell on the unit killing one and wounding several others. The platoon reorganized and continued to fight. During the night they retreated covered by A company. As the last platoon began moving a tank lost a track and blocked the route. It seemed certain that the enemy would realize what had happened from the noise of the repairing. After some forty-five minutes the platoon under Lt. Rodney Lloyd, was able to rejoin the rest of his brigade.”
Secondly, in October 1944
“Supporting 46th Brigade, "A" Company went straight into defensive positions near De Deurne. The Company was incessantly bombed and machine-gunned by enemy aircraft from 1830 hours until 2200 hours, fortunately without casualties.
Early on the 30th No. 3 Platoon was in action in support of the 2nd Glasgow Highlanders, firing on the enemy as he was seen to be forming up for an attack from the direction of Slot. The attack developed at about 1100 hours and was directed at one section of the platoon which was operating on carriers and covering the gap between the left and right forward companies of the Glasgow Highlanders. The enemy advanced through this gap, supported by 88-mm. self-propelled guns, and reached a position about 100 yards from the section, when they took cover. They had suffered heavily during their advance against the fire of the machine guns, but they were still in sufficient strength to bring the section under heavy fire from the self-propelled guns. Lance-Sergeant Percy’s carrier received a direct hit, killing Percy and wounding the other two occupants. For an hour the action continued without respite, but by early afternoon the enemy had been driven back with heavy losses, although it had cost the platoon two killed and nine wounded. Lieutenant Lloyd, commanding No. 3 Platoon, directed the fire throughout with the utmost coolness and skill and set so fine an example to the men under his command that he was awarded the M.C. for his determination, skill, and courage on this occasion.”
Finally, in February 1945
“It was in this victorious mood that the Battalion entered the next stage of the battle. The following fortnight was to include some of the heaviest and bloodiest battles of the campaign, for the enemy, their own country now in danger of invasion for the first time, fought back with a fierceness and determination that had not been seen since the vicious actions of the Normandy bridgehead. Cleve, Goch, Xanten, Calcar, and Udem were to be the scenes of many "last stand" battles by the enemy which were to cost the Battalion comparatively heavy casualties before the task was completed.
Lieutenant-Colonel A. N. W. Kidston arrived on 19th February to take over command of the Battalion. At the time of his taking over, "D" Company, supporting 227th Brigade, was heavily engaged in an attack on the woods round Cleve. These were strongly held by the enemy and proving difficult to clear. The attack itself was successful, reaching all its objectives by last light on 20th February, but during the fighting Lieutenant Dawson was killed when a shell exploded in front of his carrier.
This was followed on 22nd February by an attack on the wooded area south of Goch, in which "A" Company was supporting 46th Brigade. The platoons, giving flank protection and carrying out several shoots as targets offered, were under heavy shelling and mortaring all day. Only a limited advance could be made in the face of strong enemy opposition, and the action cost "A" Company three casualties, including Lieutenant Rodney Lloyd, who was killed by shrapnel. The action continued on the 23rd and 24th, but little progress was made.”
He is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Plot 51. J. 1 and is commemorated with a plaque and the church clock at St Nicholas Church, Rotherfield Greys.