Died of wounds received in action aged 30
No known grave
Scott was born in Marylebone, the third and youngest son of Richard Douglas Powell and his first wife, Juliet Bennet. He was named for his paternal grandfather.
Scott’s father was an eminent physician appointed Physician Extraordinary to Queen Victoria in 1887, and, later, to Edward VII and George V. In 1897, he was made a Baronet.
In 1901, whilst Scott was at Charterhouse, his elder brother was killed in the Boer War. In 1903, he came up to Christ Church, leaving in 1907 to study law. His mother died in 1909, in 1911 he was living with his father at 11b Portland Place, London with several staff, and in 1911 was admitted as a solicitor.
Scott joined the Inns of Court OTC a few days before war was declared and shortly afterwards received a commission in the 8th Royal Welch Fusiliers, the same regiment in which his grandfather had served. He was promoted temporary Captain 15 January 1915, left for Gallipoli on 15 June and took part in the Anzac withdrawal and afterwards in that at Cape Helles. He also served in Egypt and Palestine, and in 1916 in Mesopotamia was Mentioned in Dispatches.
He died of wounds received at Umm el Hannah in Mesopotamia. He is commemorated on Panel 15 on the Basra Memorial.
Probate was granted to a solicitor on July 20th 1916. He left £1,821-16s-6d.
The Carthusian July 1916:
From the Oxford Magazine
Many old House men must have looked week after week in vain for something more than an official notice of Captain Scott Powell killed in action in April. I hope therefore I may say a few words. His loyalty, his energy, and his wit made him a large number of friends whilst he was an undergraduate, and those friendships the same qualities conserved after he left the University. At Charterhouse he was unknown either as cricketer or footballer; thanks to his enthusiasm and patience he became Captain of a strong Christ Church association team and one of the more valuable members of an unbeaten Cricket Eleven. There were few men whose temperament was more adapted to a hard and close game. After leaving Oxford he went for a while to Egypt, then came home and became a solicitor.
He took a commission in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers almost directly war broke out. In the Army his success was immediate and deserved; capable and self-reliant, he won the confidence of his men no less than of his superior officers; his unruffled good temper and ready wit enabled him to smooth over many hard places and to make of many a ‘grouser’ a good soldier. He had such an absolute faith in his own luck he imparted a belief in it to his friends, and the news of his death came as an unexpected shock to those of us who had seen him since he was a soldier.
Another old friend writes;
“Scotty Powell was the cheeriest man ever known. Pounding through the mud and rain at football, fielding out 400 runs at cricket, falling into the Cher with clean flannels on, his infectious cheeriness never left him. He was one of the unexplored finds that Charterhouse sent us. Captain of a strong Christ Church association team, a valuable bat, fine field and bad bowler with an appalling swerve. He was a splendid man for a College to have. No matter what he was doing, whether playing a banjo and singing by moonlight to an attentive audience in Tom Quad, or being viva-ed on a subject he knew nothing about, there was always the same cheery optimism. He had the most supreme confidence that he would come through the War unscathed, and the next news we got was that of his death.
“Poor debonair Scott Powell. The spires of Oxford never gazed on a cheerier soul. His loss will be mourned by many who lived with him and loved him. The cheery laugh, the quick humour, the grip of the hand - all things of the past. But we shall ever remember him for many of the qualities which go to the making of a fine soldier and gallant gentleman.”