
BSc in Mathematics (University of São Paulo); PhD in Computer Science (King's College London)

Academic background

I am currently a lecturer at the department of Informatics, King's College London. My research focusses on AI, both theoretical and applied. 

Undergraduate teaching

At Christ Church, I teach mainly the probability and statistics courses.For the past several years in Christ Church, I have been teaching topics related to probability, statistics, data analysis, AI, and graph theory. I value the strong interaction of college tutorials and quite enjoy them!

Research interests

On the more theoretical side of AI and computer science, I work on stochastic process on networks/graphs, including consensus and population protocols. On the more applied side, I do machine learning for graphs, including working on automated explanations of algorithmic decision-making. 

Featured publications

2021, “The Influence of Memory in Multi-Agent Consensus” – AAAI 2021 Kohan Marzagão, D.; Basualdo Bonatto, L.; Madeira, T.; Gauy, M.; and McBurney, P.; in Proceedings of The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021.

2020, “Incremental Inference of Provenance Types”, in proc. of IPAW 2020 Kohan Marzagão, D.; Huynh, T.D.; Moreau, L. to appear in International Provenance and Annotation Workshop. 2020.

2020,  “Continuum Argumentation Frameworks from Cooperative Game Theory”, in proc. of COMMA 2020 Young, A.; Kohan Marzagão, D.; Murphy, J. in 8th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument. 2020.

2019, “Applying Abstract Argumentation Theory to Cooperative Game Theory”, in proc. of AIˆ3 (AI*IA) 2019 Young, A.; Kohan Marzagão, D.; Murphy, J. in Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence, in CEUR Workshop Proceedings AI*IA Series. 2019.

2017, “Team Persuasion”, in proc. of TAFA (IJCAI) 2017 Kohan Marzagão, D.; Murphy, J.; Young, A.; Gauy, M.; Luck, M.; McBurney, P.; and Black, E., in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Formal Argumentation. Springer LNAI. 2017.

2017,  “Multi-Agent Flag Coordination Games”, in proc. of AAMAS 2017 Kohan Marzagão, D; Rivera, N; Cooper, C; McBurney, P; and Steinhöfel, K, in proceedings of Sixteenth International Conference on Antonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, p. 1442- 1450. 2017.