
MEng (Wedel); MSc (Buckingham); MSc (Oxford); PhD, DScEcon (Cardiff)

Academic background

I am an industrial engineer by training and have done extensive research in the automotive industry. Prior to returning to Oxford I was on the faculty of the University of Cambridge, and a Sloan Industry Center Fellow at MIT’s Engineering Systems Division.

Research interests

My research focuses on how organizations generate and sustain process improvements in manufacturing, service and office contexts. My recent work focuses on digital technologies in operations, where I look into the economics of additive manufacturing and the application of machine learning to process improvement.

Featured publications

Catena, R., Dopson, S. and Holweg, M. (2019). On the tension between standardized and customized policies in healthcare: The case of length-of-stay reduction. Journal of Operations Management.
Holweg, M., Staats, B.R, and Upton, D.M. (2018). Making process improvements stick. Harvard Business Review.

Holweg, M., Davies, J., De Meyer, A., Lawson, B. and Schmenner, R.W. (2018). Process theory: The principles of operations management. Oxford University Press.

Garmulewicz, A., Holweg, M., Veldhuis, H., and Yang, A. (2018). Disruptive technology as an enabler of the circular economy: What potential does 3D printing hold? California Management Review.   

Lawson, B., Pil, F.K., and Holweg, M. (2018). Multi‐modal order fulfillment: Concept and application. Production and Operations Management.

Holweg, M. and Oliver, N. (2016). Crisis, resilience and survival: Lessons from the global auto industry. Cambridge University Press.

Bicheno, J. and Holweg, M. (2016). The lean toolbox: The essential guide to lean transformation. PICSIE Books (5th edition).

Holweg, M. (2015). The limits of 3-D printing. Harvard Business Review.

A complete list of my publications is available on Google Scholar.