
MA, DPhil (Oxford)

Academic background

I read Modern History and Modern Languages (Russian) at Lady Margaret Hall. I was then awarded a Frank Knox Fellowship to Harvard University. I returned to study for a PhD at Cambridge and after I completed I was appointed Tutor and Fellow in History, Balliol College, Oxford 1984–87. Student and Tutor in History, Christ Church, 1987–2015.

Research interests

My research interests lie in 19th- and 20th-century Russian history.

Featured publications

C. Andreyev  ‘Obshchestvo zashchity nauki i znanii v Velikobritanii i pomoshch russkim uchenym emigrantam’ in Ezhegodnik Doma russkogo zarubezhiya imeni Aleksandra Solzhenitsyna, Moscow2013, pp 67-101.

ed C. Andreyev and I. Belobrovtseva : “Tol’ko Vy poimete sleduyushchiy tekst..”  Perepiska N.E. Andreeva i L.F. Zurova. in Baltiiskiy Arkhiv XIII, Tallin 2013., p 298.

ed. N. Andreyev  To, chto vspominaetsya  ( 2 vols, in Russian, Tallinn, Estonia, 1996, 2nd edition, St.Petersburg, 2008)
English translation published: A Moth on the Fence, Kingston-upon-Thames, 2009) 

with I. Savicky   Prague and the Russian Diaspora 1918-1939 (Yale, 2004)

Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Movement (CUP, 1987).

Other interests and activities

I enjoy sailing