Imaging Services and Photography

Images from the Collections

Discover and enjoy our Digital Library of images and fully digitised volumes from Christ Church Library. We update the Digital Library with new content frequently.  

You can browse images by category and also access volumes which have been digitised in their entirety. PDFs and ZIP files of JPEGS of these images can be downloaded from the Digital Library. 

For information on the use of the images for reproduction and publication please read the information below.

Imaging Services

If the item you require is not available through our Digital Library the Library offers a range of imaging services for private research and/or reproduction and publication. Images will only be provided where the material is suitable for digitisation and the type of image supplied may depend on the format and condition of the original as the preservation of the material is the Library’s priority. These services are provided according to the provisions of current copyright law.

Images can be supplied as high-resolution images (TIFF or JPEG) suitable for detailed research and for reproduction. 

Please consult our online catalogues to provide each item’s full shelfmark and page/folio number.  To order images please email


JPEGS (size 72 dpi) suitable for personal research

1-10 images ordered: £5.00 each plus VAT
11-50+ images ordered: £3.00 each plus VAT

LARGE JPEGS / SMALL TIFFS (size 300 dpi) suitable for publication

£10.00 each plus VAT

LARGE TIFFS suitable for exhibition posters

£20.00 plus VAT

Images will be sent via a WeTransfer link once payment has been received.

Rights and Copyright 

The Library administers permissions and clearances to use images from Christ Church collections in electronic and non-electronic formats.  Permission is not granted automatically and applications must be made before the material has been published.  Where a reproduction fee is payable, rights will be granted on receipt of payment.  Rights must not be transferred to third parties. Current legislation on copyright may restrict the reproduction of some images. 

Please request permission to reproduce images from our collections via the appropriate Permission Request form attached at the top right of this page.

Electronic Publication Permission Request form

Non-Electronic Publication Permission Request form